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Linde Class 1 Sit-Down Electric Counterbalance Forklifts

Linde electric forklifts are built to for durability and performance. Learn more about what makes Linde electric forklifts so different from any other electric forklift on the market. Check out the Linde sit-down electric counterbalance forklift line-up below, then contact us for more information and a quote.

Linde 346 3-Wheel and 4-Wheel Electric Forklifts

Click Here to learn more about Linde Model 346 Electric Sit-Down Counterbalance, 3-Wheel and 4-Wheel Forklifts.

Linde 346 3-Wheel and 4-Wheel Electric Forklifts
Linde E20-E35 1252 Model Electric Forklifts

Click here to learn more about the E20-E35, built on the highly popular 1252 platform. The E20-E35 is built to perform indoors, where space is at a premium.

Linde E20-E35 1252 Model Electric Forklifts
Linde 1279 High Capacity Electric Forklifts

Click Here to learn more about Linde's high-capacity, indoor/outdoor pneumatic tire electric forklifts.

Linde 1279 High Capacity Electric Forklifts
Linde 1252 Cushion & Pneumatic Tire Electric Forlifts

Click Here to learn more about Linde's  X20-X35 model forklifts that remove the performance separation between traditional IC forklifts and electric forklifts.

Linde 1252 Cushion & Pneumatic Tire Electric Forlifts
Linde 1347 Cushion Tire Electric Forklifts

Click Here to learn more about Linde's model 1347 cushion tire electric forklift.

Linde 1347 Cushion Tire Electric Forklifts
Linde E100-E180 High-Capacity Electrics

Click Here to learn more about Linde's E100-E180 high-capacity, indoor/outdoor pneumatic tire electric forklifts.

Linde E100-E180 High-Capacity Electrics