Forklift Batteries and Chargers
Matthai Material Handling is your source for forklift batteries and chargers. We will consult with you to assess your operation, forklift types and how you use your forklifts to determine the best combination of battery and charger for your forklifts. Our Feature Article "The Hidden Costs of Choosing the Wrong Forklift Battery and Charger" addresses the importance of making all the right considerations before you select your forklift batteries and chargers. Choosing the wrong combination based on your equipment, operation and usage patterns can result in a dramatic increase in costs, decrease in useful life and less productivity. In addition to batteries and chargers, we can assist you with:
We work with several forklift battery and charger manufacturers to give you the right combination to suit your operation and budget. To consult with us about your forklift batteries and chargers, please Contact Us, or give us a call directly at 410-344-1801. Forklift Battery & Charger Safety OSHA's Regulations Regarding Forklift Battery Stations Forklift Battery Care |